Merhaba Forumdaşlar Burada Roottan Korkanlara Cesaret Vermek İçin Bu Konuyu Açtım .( Yapacağınız İşlemlerden Tüm Sorumluluk Sizindir )
1. Öncelikle Root Erişimi Nedir?
“Root” sözcüğü aslında android’in de temel alındığı linux dünyasından gelmektedir, ve linux sistemlerindeki en yetkili kullanıcıyı ifade eder. Windows sistemlerinde bu kullanıcıyı “Administrator” olarak biliyoruz. Telefonunuza root erişimi sağlamak da (“getting root”, “rooting”) işletim sistemini modifiye edilerek size bu “root” kullanıcısının haklarını vermek, böylece sistem üzerinde tam kontrol hakkı tanımaktır. Bunu da sisteme su (superuser) programını yükleyerek isteyen programlara bu yetkiyi tanıyarak gerçekleştirir.
Bu sayede telefonunuz üzerinde gelen gereksiz programlardan kurtulmaya tutun da, hosts dosyasını değiştirmek, hatta telefonunuza başka bir ROM yüklemeye kadar root olmadan yapamayacağınız bir çok işlemi yapmanızı sağlamakta.
Yeri gelmişken açıklayalım, root işlemi ve sisteminize başka bir ROM yüklemek tamamen farklı işlemlerdir. Rooting -çoğu zaman- çok basit bir işlem ile yapılarak telefonuzun garantisine ve içinde hazır gelen işletim sisteminin bütünlüğüne dokunmazken, yeni bir ROM yüklemek, recovery, system, boot (hatta bazen radio) partisyonlarını flashlamayı gerektirir ve sonuçta bambaşka bir android versiyonu kullanırsınız.
2. Root İşleminin Yararları, Neden Telefonumu Root Etmeliyim?
Buraya kadar iyi hoş da, pratikte ne iş yarar bu root, ne diye telefonumu bu kadar kurcalayayım diyenler için, root işleminin size sağladığı yararlara biraz göz atalım:
Sistem Üzerinde Tam Kontrol
Root işleminin en temel yararı, size sistemin daha önce erişmediğiniz köşelerine, detaylarına erişim hakkı (sadece okuma hakkı değil, yazma / değiştirme hakkı da) sunmasıdır. Bu sayede tüm sistem dosyalarını silebilir, değiştirebilir, yeni temalar yükleyebilir, gereksiz sistem programlarını sistemden kaldırabilirsiniz.
Örneğin Türkiye’de bizim hiç kullanamadığımız Google Voice ve Amazon mp3 gibi programlar, ayrıca birçok daha iyi alternatifi olmasına rağmen sistemle otomatik yüklenen twitter uygulaması gibi programlar sistem partisyonunda boş yere yer harcıyor, bunları silip telefon hafızasında çok değerli alanlar kazanabilirsiniz.
Yeni Bir Recovery Imajı Yükleme ve Sistem Yedeği Alma
Eğer telefonunuzda root erişimine sahipseniz android’le gelen hazır recovery partisyonu yerine (recovery: sistem kurtarmak ve diğer bazı sistem açılışından önce yapılması gereken işlemleri yapmak için kullanılan bölüm) ClockworkMod ya da AmonRa gibi çok daha yetenekli recovery imajları yükleyebilirsiniz.
Bu recovery imajlarının tüm detaylarına burada girmeyeceğim, ancak sistem yedeği alma (nandroid backup) işleminden biraz bahsedeyim.
Biliyorsunuz google, contact’larınızı, application ayarlarınızı vs. kendi serverlarına sürekli olarak senkronize ediyor. Yani işletim sistemini upgrade ettiğinizde, ya da yeni bir android telefona geçtiğinizde contaclarınız, ayarlarınız vs. bu serverlardan geri yükleniyor. Ama sürekli telefonu ile uğraşanlar, özel ROM’lar yükleyenler, sistemin detaylarını kurcalayan programlar yükleyenler ve işleri sağlama almak isteyenler için, bu kadarından fazlası gerekecektir.
İşte bu recovery imajları içinde bulabileceğiniz nandroid yöntemi ile sistem yedeği almak tam da bu noktada işimize yarıyor. Nandroid ile aldığınız backup, sistemin o andaki birebir imajını (tüm işletim sistemi, cache, data dosyaları, application’lar vs.) SD kartınıza saklıyor, ve telefonuzda birşeylerin ters gitmesi durumda eski haline döndürmeniz için orada tutuyor.
Nandroid yedek alma ve geri yükleme ile ilgili detaylı bir kılavuz da yakında burada yayınlayacağım.
Değişik ROM’lar yükleme
Android işletim sistemi bildiğiniz gibi açık kaynak kodlu. Bu yüzden birçok uygulama geliştirci, bu kaynak kodundan yararlanarak kendi android versiyonlarını (Mod) çıkarıyorlar; CyanogenMod, DamageControl, Kang-o-rama gibi. Bu ROM’ları yüklemek, sistemi, boot dosyalarını tamamen değiştirmek anlamına geldiğinden daha önceden root erişimine açık bir sisteme sahip olmanızı gerektiriyor.
Örneğin CyanogenMod’un son versiyonu için yükleme işleminin detaylı anlatımını buradabulabilirsiniz.
Değişik Kernel (Çekirdekler)’ler yükleme
Android’in linux tabanlı bir sistem olduğunu biliyoruz. Bu işletim sisteminin çekirdeği (kernel) de linux çekirdeği. Tıpkı değişik rom’lar gibi bu kernellerin de bağımsız geliştiriciler tarafından değiştirilerek derlenmiş versiyonları mevcut.
Kernel, linux sistemlerinde en alt seviye işlemleri gerçekleştiren birimdir (işlemci ve hafıza yönetimi, donanım sürücüleri vs.). Bu kerneli özelleştirerek elde edilebilecek avantajları sıralarsak:
- İşlemcinin voltajını düşürerek daha az pil harcamasını sağlamak
- İşlemciyi overclock ederek daha hızlı çalışmasını sağlamak
- Çipin üzerinde olmasına rağmen kernel’de driver’ı olmadığı için kullanamadığınız 720p HD video kaydı, FM Radio gibi özellikleri kullanabilmek
- Ses seviyelerini çekirdek seviyesinde arttırmak
Bu çekirdekleri yüklemek de sistemin en alt seviyelerine erişim gerektirdiği ve recovery’den yapılması gerektiği için root’lu olmanız burada da ön koşul.
Root Erişimi gerektiren Uygulamaları Çalıştırma
Bu yukarıda saydığım avantajar dışında, android market’te ya da çeşitli kaynaklarda bazı yararlı application’lar var ki, root erişimi olmadan işlevlerini yerine getiremiyorlar. Bu programlar root erişimi gerektiği zaman sistemden bu izni izniyorlar ve bu izni onaylayıp onayalamadığınızı sormak için karşınıza bir “superuser request (superuser isteği)” penceresi çıkıyor, eğer onaylarsanız o uygulama artık superuser olarak yani root haklarıyla gereken işlemleri gerçekleştirebiliyor.
Root Uygulamaları AdFree Android: Bu programın yaptığı, sistemdeki “hosts” dosyasını değiştirerek, reklam sitelerine olan bağlantıları engellemek. Bu sayede programlarda ve browser’da çıkan reklamlardan kurtuluyoruz. AutoKiller: Marketteki diğer task killer uygulamaları ile karştırılmaması gereken bir uygulama olan AutoKiller’ın yaptığı, android sistemine gömülü olarak bulunan uygulama yöneticisinin ince ayarlarını değiştirerek, sistemin daha stabil ve hızlı çalışmasını sağlamak. MarketAccess: MarketAccess Türkiye gibi android market’teki paralı uygulamalara erişimi olmayan kullanıcıları hedef alan bir uygulama. Bu program SIM kartınızın üzerindeki enumerator’ü sisteme sanki başka bir operatörmüş gibi (T-Mobile, O2 vs.) gösteriyor, bu sayede de market örneğin amerika’da bir servis sağlayıcıdan bağlandığınızı düşünerek bu uygulamaları da sizin için gösteriyor. Google checkout hesabınızın olduğunu ve kredi kartı numaranızı girdiğinizi varsayarsak normalde ulaşamadığınız paralı uygulamaları da satın alarak indirebiliyorsunuz. MetaMorph: MetaMorph temel olarak görünüm-tema değiştirme programı. Çok detaylı olarak girmeyeceğim, ama bu uygulama sayesinde sistem fontlarını, durum çubuğunun rengini / değiştirmekten tutun da butonların ve uygulamaların şekillerini değiştirmeye kadar bir çok işi yapabiliyorsunuz. ROM Manager: En çok kullandığım uygulamalardan bir olan ROM Manager, recovery flashlama, yeni ROM indirme, nandroid yedeği alma gibi birçok zahmetli işlemi, tek bir grafik arayüzden kolayca yapmanızı sağlıyor. Root Explorer: Bu program aslında temelde bir dosya yöneticisi, ancak diğer dosya yöneticilerinden farklı olarak root yetkisi sayesinde system ve data folderlarına da tam erişim hakkı sağlıyor. Bu programın ücretsiz bir versiyonu malesef yok, alternatif olarak ES File Explorer var, içinde deneysel bir root access modülü mevcut, ancak Root Explorer kadar başarılı bulmadığımı söyleyebilirim. SetCPU for Root Users: SetCPU da aslında markette paralı bir uygulama olsa da, XDA Forumları kullanıcılarına ücretsiz olarak sunuluyor. SetCPU sayesinde işlemcinizi normalden yavaş çalıştırarak pil tasarrufu yapabilir, ya da kernel’inizin desteklediği ölçüde overclock yaparak yüksek performans sağlayabilirsiniz. Screenshot: Çok basit bir program, ama yapması gerektiği işi gayet güzel yapıyor, telefonunuzdan ekran görüntüsü almak için kullanılıyor. Superuser: Bu uygulama diğer uygulamalara superuser (root) yetkisi vermek ve geri almak için kullanılıyor, root işlemi yaptığınızda normalde otomatik olarak yüklenmiş olmalı Terminal Emulator: Kendi başına root gerektiren bir uygulama olmasa da, bu konsol emülatörü, telefonunuzdan linux terminal komutları çalıştırmanızı, ve birçok alt seviye işlemi bilgisayara bağlanmaya gerek kalmadan gerçekleştirmenizi sağlıyor. Titanium Backup: Titanium Backup temelde sisteminizde yüklü olan uygulamaların yedeğini almak üzere geliştirilmiş bir uygulama. Ama diğer backup programlarının aksine tüm sistem uygulamalarının da yedeiğini alabiliyor, geri yükleyebiliyor; ayrıca gereksiz sistem uygulamaları dahil tüm uygulamaları herşeyiyle sistemden kaldırabilmenizi sağlıyor.
Rootu Nasıl Yapabilirim ?
Root erişimi yapmak genelde kolay bir işlem ama tüm telefon modellerinde yapılan işlemler farklılık gösterebiliyor. Bazılarında küçük bir program yükleyip bir tuşa basmaktan ibaretken, bazılarında da recovery’ye girmek, bootloader’ı unlock etmek, bilgisayardan bağlanarak adb ve fastboot komutlarıyla bazı dosyalar yüklemek gibi karmaşık işlemleri içerebiliyor.
Root Yapmak İçin <TelefonModeliniz> root” şeklinde bir google aramasıyla birçok detaylı anlatıma ulaşabilirsiniz.
Tekrar uyarayım: Root işlemi deneyimli kullanıcılar için tavsiye edilir. Bu işlem sonrasında telefonunuzda oluşabilecek bütün problemler sizin sorumluluğunuzdadır.
Smart Launcher Pro APk 1 3 20
Friday, February 28, 2014
Smart Launcher Pro APk (1.3.20) - Now You Can Download Smart Launcher Pro APk (1.3.20) in Apk Archive - the best Apk Site Downloader, thats android apps file has been archived and you can also download it for free through the link at the end of this post, if you dont know how to Download just Go to The Download Instruction to find the way to get the android apps apk file you want to download, and dont forget to leave a comment if you find something wrong so we can review our archive and give it the best for you all.
It is currently the only launcher on the store to features automatic cataloging of installed apps!
I dont use any license check, its useless. I update this app weekly, spend few dollars is easier than download a pirate version every week.
Minimal doesnt means under-featured!
Description about Smart Launcher Pro APk (1.3.20)
Smart Launcher is an innovative launcher characterized by a minimalist design, low memory usage and an user-friendly UI that let you start any application with a few taps.It is currently the only launcher on the store to features automatic cataloging of installed apps!
I dont use any license check, its useless. I update this app weekly, spend few dollars is easier than download a pirate version every week.
Minimal doesnt means under-featured!
- Main screen with Quick Start
- Drawer organized by categories
- Ready to use without special configurations.
- Support for Live Wallpaper and screens of different sizes.
- Support of set of icons for Launcher Pro, ADW Launcher, APEX
- Possibility to change a single icon in the drawer.
- You can hide every app you want by long pressing an app, then select menu → hide.
- Fast search.
- Global theme now change every elements of the UI.
- Easy access to apps infos.
- Landscape mode.
- Option to hide the statusbar.
Screenshot Of Smart Launcher Pro APk (1.3.20)
Download Smart Launcher Pro APk (1.3.20) Here
No Gravity 1 9 9 Ipa Download for iphone Ipad
Thursday, February 27, 2014
No Gravity v1.9.9 Ipa Download for iphone Ipad
You must have good nerves and a strong heart to fly around dangerous obstacles stand in front of hostile environments and use deadly weapons to accomplish your missions and protect your people.
In the distant future, the empire consisting of thousands of colonies faced a mysterious, unknown disease, which affects peoples minds. Yet you are healthy but do not know how much you can last.
As one of the few survivors of this plague, you have to find and destroy the enemy, who released this madness.
In the distant future, the empire consisting of thousands of colonies faced a mysterious, unknown disease, which affects peoples minds. Yet you are healthy but do not know how much you can last.
As one of the few survivors of this plague, you have to find and destroy the enemy, who released this madness.
Now you are the last hope of the empires population. Are you ready to go through 31 mission and destroy the enemy?
When youre ready, choose your character and one of six customizable ships. Each of them is equipped with an impressive array of weapons, so youll have plenty of tools at hand for the job. Whether you need lasers or ion detonators, all of which should help you win the war against your enemy. Once on your ship, youll fly through space, looking over six different worlds, passing through the underground craters and through massive asteroids fields. And thank God youre not alone in its path. Allied ships will accompany you through the hostile space stations, help you destroy enemy bases and minefields. During the operation be ready to unleash all the firepower. You must be unstoppable in order to save your people.
In the new version:
- Support for iOS 7
- support game controllers for iOS 7
Requires firmware above 4.3
Compatibility: iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad
Language: English, Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish
Download 84mb ipa via
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Simple Unrar is a powerful utility to extract rar archives. This application is built with latest Unrar library which provides faster decompression.
The features included in current version are -
1. Extract rar file.
2. View rar file info.
3. Extract password protected rar file.
4. Extract multi-part rar archives.
5. View files in archive.
6. Extract selected files from archive.
7. Extract files in selected folder.
8. Mini file browser.
9. Ask for option if file exist (Options are - Yes(Overwrite), No, All, Never, Rename, Rename All)
10. View rar comment if present.
11. Can keep broken/corrupted files.
12. Unicode support.
13. Large file support (Larger than 2GB).
14. Search functionality.
15. Open/Extract rar directly from email attachment.
16. Support Rar version 5.
All the features are absolutely free.
This application is work in progress. More features will be added & bugs will be fixed. So if you found any bugs or suggest any features feel free to mail me. Your review to this application will help this application get better and better. And be patient while Im adding new features & fixing bugs.
The features included in current version are -
1. Extract rar file.
2. View rar file info.
3. Extract password protected rar file.
4. Extract multi-part rar archives.
5. View files in archive.
6. Extract selected files from archive.
7. Extract files in selected folder.
8. Mini file browser.
9. Ask for option if file exist (Options are - Yes(Overwrite), No, All, Never, Rename, Rename All)
10. View rar comment if present.
11. Can keep broken/corrupted files.
12. Unicode support.
13. Large file support (Larger than 2GB).
14. Search functionality.
15. Open/Extract rar directly from email attachment.
16. Support Rar version 5.
All the features are absolutely free.
This application is work in progress. More features will be added & bugs will be fixed. So if you found any bugs or suggest any features feel free to mail me. Your review to this application will help this application get better and better. And be patient while Im adding new features & fixing bugs.
How to Take Screenshot without any Software Tips n Tricks 2013
Monday, February 24, 2014
How to take Android Screenshot |
By Taking Screen-Shot , I mean Capturing the current display screen of your android phones and save it. Some peoples are using software to do this but in higher androids there is build-in feature by which you can capture current displaying screen. Many Andoird uses does not know about this trick so today i got an idea to post about this.In android to capture screen or to perform a screen shot , you have to use a combination of two buttons to take. How To Capture Screen In Android Firstly Hold Down The Power button along with Volume-down button Now , Open your Android mobile gallery and your screenshot is present there.
Note: Some older version[s] of Android might not support this feature.!
Jetpack Joyride for Android Mod Money 1 5 1 apk download
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Jetpack Joyride for Android[Mod Money] 1.5.1 apk download
Suit up with a selection of the coolest jetpacks ever made and take to the skies as Barry Steakfries, the lovable hero on a one-way trip to adventure! From the creators of the worldwide phenomenon Fruit Ninja comes the action-packed Jetpack Joyride, Halfbricks most anticipated Android game ever!
"Jetpack Joyride is, quite simply, an amazing game." -- IntoMobile
"Like all the best mobile games, Jetpack Joyride is criminally simple." -- Kotaku
“A miracle, by all accounts.” - PocketGamer
Join Barry as he breaks in to a secret laboratory to commandeer the experimental jetpacks from the clutches of science evildoers. After lift-off, simply touch the screen to ascend and release to descend, raining bullets, bubbles, rainbows and lasers downwards as you fly towards higher and higher scores!
Youll start off with the legendary Machine Gun Jetpack to scatter the evil scientists of Legitimate Research, but throughout each game youll collect coins and complete missions to earn cash and buy new gear in The Stash! Pick your favorite jetpack, snazzy outfit and stock up on items then get back out there!
Get a boost of speed and power using the Lil Stomper, Profit Bird and Crazy Freaking Teleporter, just a selection of the vehicles pickups available - all playable with one touch controls.
Stay alive, get funky and lose yourself in Jetpack Joyride. Theres so much to see and do, all the time in the world and more than enough jetpacks! As always, Barry Steakfries will provide!
"Jetpack Joyride is, quite simply, an amazing game." -- IntoMobile
"Like all the best mobile games, Jetpack Joyride is criminally simple." -- Kotaku
“A miracle, by all accounts.” - PocketGamer
Join Barry as he breaks in to a secret laboratory to commandeer the experimental jetpacks from the clutches of science evildoers. After lift-off, simply touch the screen to ascend and release to descend, raining bullets, bubbles, rainbows and lasers downwards as you fly towards higher and higher scores!
Youll start off with the legendary Machine Gun Jetpack to scatter the evil scientists of Legitimate Research, but throughout each game youll collect coins and complete missions to earn cash and buy new gear in The Stash! Pick your favorite jetpack, snazzy outfit and stock up on items then get back out there!
Get a boost of speed and power using the Lil Stomper, Profit Bird and Crazy Freaking Teleporter, just a selection of the vehicles pickups available - all playable with one touch controls.
Stay alive, get funky and lose yourself in Jetpack Joyride. Theres so much to see and do, all the time in the world and more than enough jetpacks! As always, Barry Steakfries will provide!
- Version: 1.5.1[Mod Money]
- Size: 43 MB
- Required: Android 2.2 and up
Download apk via
ULTRA4 Offroad Racing v1 03 APK PAID FULL
Saturday, February 22, 2014
ULTRA4 Offroad Racing v1.03
Requirements: Android O/S : 3.0+
Race the worlds most capable all-terrain vehicles through heart-pounding courses in the most dynamic offroad driving experience on mobile devices!
Do you have what it takes to be an ULTRA4 Champion?
The follow-up to Rock Racing, which has garnered 1/4 million downloads and a 4.25 Star rating, is even better.
- 6 Unique vehicles
- Modeled after real race trucks
- Fully simulated suspension (solid axle and independent) with tuning
- Realistic traction and drive-train simulation
- Damage system with flat tires
- Awesome truck skins from the worlds top off road parts manufacturers
- AAA sound fx
- Real Ultra4 point system and drivers
- 3 tough seasons, totaling 42 races, to conquer
- Courses based on real ULTRA4 races (Stampede, Badlands, King of the Valleys and King of the Hammers)
- Gold, Silver and Bronze times to beat
- Cross Platform Worldwide Leaderboards
- 32 different race tracks (including the Baja Bonus levels)
- 16 brutal achievements
- 3 more killer vehicles for an extra challenge
- Pro mode for extra realism and difficulty
- Helmet camera for fun (and a taste of things to come)
- Simulation meets side-scrolling off-road racing
- 5 different control layouts
- Races that vary in length from 1 minute to 10+ minutes
- Hours of game-play in each game mode
More Info:
Requirements: Android O/S : 3.0+
Race the worlds most capable all-terrain vehicles through heart-pounding courses in the most dynamic offroad driving experience on mobile devices!
Do you have what it takes to be an ULTRA4 Champion?
The follow-up to Rock Racing, which has garnered 1/4 million downloads and a 4.25 Star rating, is even better.
- 6 Unique vehicles
- Modeled after real race trucks
- Fully simulated suspension (solid axle and independent) with tuning
- Realistic traction and drive-train simulation
- Damage system with flat tires
- Awesome truck skins from the worlds top off road parts manufacturers
- AAA sound fx
- Real Ultra4 point system and drivers
- 3 tough seasons, totaling 42 races, to conquer
- Courses based on real ULTRA4 races (Stampede, Badlands, King of the Valleys and King of the Hammers)
- Gold, Silver and Bronze times to beat
- Cross Platform Worldwide Leaderboards
- 32 different race tracks (including the Baja Bonus levels)
- 16 brutal achievements
- 3 more killer vehicles for an extra challenge
- Pro mode for extra realism and difficulty
- Helmet camera for fun (and a taste of things to come)
- Simulation meets side-scrolling off-road racing
- 5 different control layouts
- Races that vary in length from 1 minute to 10+ minutes
- Hours of game-play in each game mode
More Info:
Sprinkle Islands v1 0 0 apk
Friday, February 21, 2014
Sprinkle Islands v1.0.0
Sprinkle Islands v1.0.0 APK Free Download Android App. Titan burns again - Award winning, fire fighting, water-physics puzzler Sprinkle is back with an all new adventure! In a not so distant future, a garbage hauling space ship from Earth has gone off course and burning trash is falling all over the beautiful islands of Titan. The innocent Titans villages have been set on fire by burning trash and they need your help!Using intuitive touch controls you control a tiny firetruck to put out fires. But some of the fires are hard to reach - solve each puzzle with the flow of water by using obstacles, buttons, elevators, and more to save Titan. Your water supply is limited so conserve water to earn the most drops on each level!
* Four distinct islands with a total of 48 levels provide hours of challenging entertainment.
* Amazing water physics - The original Sprinkle set a new standard for water in mobile games. Sprinkle Islands improves on that with endless oceans, pools and floating objects.
* Aquatic boss battles - New to Sprinkle Islands, players will find dramatic boss battles at the end of each island.
* Revamped touch controls - Refined controls let players focus on the task at hand, solving brain-tingling puzzles with their water cannons stream.
The original Sprinkle has been enjoyed by more than eight million people. Join in on the fun in this new and improved version by using your smarts and your water cannon to solve puzzles and save Titan!
Required Android O/S : 2.3+
Download 27 mb apk here CLICK HERE
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Size: 19 Mb | Android: 2.1 and up
Whats New:
Version 5.0:
- Added weather in notification bar
- Fixed text size bug
TrueWeather animates the current weather, day and night as a live wallpaper for your phone or tablet. The weather is reported for your current location or specified cities. The live wallpaper is animated in full HD.
Weather data in 21 languages (English, Italian, Russian, Spanish, French, German, Dutch, Norwegian, Czech, Arabic, Thai, Turkish, Polish, Hungarian, Finnish, Slovak, Hindi, Japanese, Romanian, Portuguese and Korean)
Tip: How to change wallpaper theme (background)?:
1. Go to TrueWeather wallpaper settings (HOME->MENU->Wallpaper->Live Wallpapers->TrueWeather, Waterfalls->Settings...)
2. Scroll to Year seasons theme
3. Select year season theme (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter or Bonus)
4. Scroll to and press "Save" button
5. Press Home button and wait a few seconds
Tip: To reduce battery consumption set FPS to 20 or 30 in TrueWeather, Waterfalls advanced wallpaper settings)
Size: 19 Mb | Android: 2.1 and up
Whats New:
Version 5.0:
- Added weather in notification bar
- Fixed text size bug
TrueWeather animates the current weather, day and night as a live wallpaper for your phone or tablet. The weather is reported for your current location or specified cities. The live wallpaper is animated in full HD.
Weather data in 21 languages (English, Italian, Russian, Spanish, French, German, Dutch, Norwegian, Czech, Arabic, Thai, Turkish, Polish, Hungarian, Finnish, Slovak, Hindi, Japanese, Romanian, Portuguese and Korean)
Tip: How to change wallpaper theme (background)?:
1. Go to TrueWeather wallpaper settings (HOME->MENU->Wallpaper->Live Wallpapers->TrueWeather, Waterfalls->Settings...)
2. Scroll to Year seasons theme
3. Select year season theme (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter or Bonus)
4. Scroll to and press "Save" button
5. Press Home button and wait a few seconds
Tip: To reduce battery consumption set FPS to 20 or 30 in TrueWeather, Waterfalls advanced wallpaper settings)
GrooVe IP Free Calls Text 1 4 3 3
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
GrooVe IP - Free Calls + Text APK Free Download Android Android App. GrooVe IP is an android app that connects to Google Voice using Voice over IP (VoIP). What this means for you is you can make free unlimited calls to any phone in the US or Canada without using your voice minutes.
Instructions :
GrooVe IP works on any android device, phone or tablet, and allows you to make calls using the device’s data (WiFi or mobile data) connection. If you have a smartphone with Wi-Fi connectivity but no mobile plan, you can use this app to convert it to a free, full-featured working phone.
This app has a separate dialer that can be used to make calls. Alternatively, the native dialer, call-log, contacts, and favorite functionality can be shared between the phone and app on a call-by-call basis.
Please ensure that your Google Voice account is associated with either a gmail or google apps account.
To receive incoming calls you MUST go into your Google Voice account and forward calls to Google Chat.
GrooVe IP uses 1.2 MB per minute during a call
For requirements, setup details, answers to frequently asked questions, known issues, or more information, please visit
If you have any questions, feature requests, or run into any problems please contact us! We cannot help you if you only leave a comment.
Whats in this version: (Updated : Aug 24, 2013)
Required Android O/S : 2.1+
Screenshots :
Download GrooVe IP From Google Play Store
Instructions :
- Download App
- Install APK
GrooVe IP works on any android device, phone or tablet, and allows you to make calls using the device’s data (WiFi or mobile data) connection. If you have a smartphone with Wi-Fi connectivity but no mobile plan, you can use this app to convert it to a free, full-featured working phone.
This app has a separate dialer that can be used to make calls. Alternatively, the native dialer, call-log, contacts, and favorite functionality can be shared between the phone and app on a call-by-call basis.
Please ensure that your Google Voice account is associated with either a gmail or google apps account.
To receive incoming calls you MUST go into your Google Voice account and forward calls to Google Chat.
GrooVe IP uses 1.2 MB per minute during a call
For requirements, setup details, answers to frequently asked questions, known issues, or more information, please visit
If you have any questions, feature requests, or run into any problems please contact us! We cannot help you if you only leave a comment.
Whats in this version: (Updated : Aug 24, 2013)
- If you are having trouble with an update please try a clean install. Uninstall the app, restart the device, then download and install the app again.
- Fix duplicate SMS
- Add ability to delete SMS
- Fix SMS screen stuck at unauthorized
- Fix SMS notifications
- Allow copying text from SMS
- Linkify SMS text
- Add higher def laucher icon
- Stability improvements and bug fixes
Required Android O/S : 2.1+
Screenshots :
Download GrooVe IP APK
Download GrooVe IP Apk FreeDownload GrooVe IP From Google Play Store
Source : apkandroidapp[dot]com
Cut the Rope Time Travel HD Ipa Download for Iphone Ipad v1 1 1
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Cut the Rope: Time Travel HD v1.1.1 Ipa Download Iphone Ipad
Join Om Nom as he travels back in time to feed his ancestors with candy. Cut the Rope: Time Travel is a completely new adventure filled with time-traveling, candy-crunching, physics-based action!
With two cute monsters to feed in each level, Cut the Rope: Time Travel is twice the fun but familiar to play. If you like Cut the Rope, you’ll love Cut the Rope: Time Travel!
There’s no time to waste! Visit exciting locations including the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, a Pirate Ship, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, the Stone Age and Disco Era. Om Nom’s ancestors are waiting – and they’re getting really hungry for candy!
With two cute monsters to feed in each level, Cut the Rope: Time Travel is twice the fun but familiar to play. If you like Cut the Rope, you’ll love Cut the Rope: Time Travel!
There’s no time to waste! Visit exciting locations including the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, a Pirate Ship, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, the Stone Age and Disco Era. Om Nom’s ancestors are waiting – and they’re getting really hungry for candy!
Whats New
It’s time to update! To ensure all in-app purchases and data are saved, please update Cut the Rope: Time Travel HD now.
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Monday, February 17, 2014
Jones On Fire Apk
Sunday, February 16, 2014
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Become Emma Jones, firefighter extraordinaire, tough cookie and kitten lover. Beat 10 levels of dangerous mountain terrain, improving Jones’ skills with every fluffy life saved. Dominate your friends on the kitty-saving leaderboards, and gain the adoration of millions of cats!
Save the kitties! You’re their only hope!
Description about Jones On Fire Apk
ones on Fire - a high-speed action game of kitty saving and flame evading, running and jumping, where YOU are the hero!Become Emma Jones, firefighter extraordinaire, tough cookie and kitten lover. Beat 10 levels of dangerous mountain terrain, improving Jones’ skills with every fluffy life saved. Dominate your friends on the kitty-saving leaderboards, and gain the adoration of millions of cats!
Save the kitties! You’re their only hope!
Screenshot Of Jones On Fire Apk
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Metal Slug Anthology
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Download Part1 | Download Part2 | Download Part3
Download Part4 | Download Part5 | Download Part6
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Super Ski Jump v1 3 0 All Devices
Friday, February 14, 2014
Features Super Ski Jump v1.3.0 All Devices:
● Full 3D visuals● Over 20 real-world ski jumping venues
● Quick Play, World Cup, Tournaments and more
● Custom events to compete in
● Three different control methods
● Player customization
Link: Here
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Fast Furious 6 The Game v3 0 1 ipa download for iPhone iPad
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Fast & Furious 6: The Game v3.0.1 ipa download
Step into the world of Fast & Furious 6. Earn cash and the respect of the “Fastest” drivers as you drift and drag through the London street scene. Join the Fast & Furious crew as they prepare to take on a series of jobs in an all new heist mode. Fast & Furious 6: The Game takes the mobile racing genre to greater heights with stunning graphics, new game modes, addictive challenges and intense full-throttle missions that dare you to exceed all limits.
Take down an organization of lethally skilled mercenary drivers to earn respect as you drift and drag through the streets of London.
Collect, customize and upgrade a slew of high end licensed vehicles that range from the classic 1970 Dodge Charger to the super cars of today - all featuring stunning graphics.
Earn big cash and unlock the next tier upgrades in heists with the Fast & Furious 6 crew
Jump into tournaments or join a crew and take on the world by dominating the global leaderboards
Take down an organization of lethally skilled mercenary drivers to earn respect as you drift and drag through the streets of London.
Collect, customize and upgrade a slew of high end licensed vehicles that range from the classic 1970 Dodge Charger to the super cars of today - all featuring stunning graphics.
Earn big cash and unlock the next tier upgrades in heists with the Fast & Furious 6 crew
Jump into tournaments or join a crew and take on the world by dominating the global leaderboards
- Version: 3.0.1
- Size: 136 MB
- Required: iOS 4.3 or later
Subway Surfers Moscow v1 14 0 Mod Unlimited Everything By Applord
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
DASH as very fast as you can!
DODGE the oncoming trains!
Help Jake, Tricky & Fresh escape from the grumpy Inspector and his dog.
★ Grind trains with your cool crew!
★ Colorful and great HD graphics!
★ Hoverboard Surfing!
★ Paint powered jetpack!
★ Lightning fast swipe acrobatics!
★ Challenge and help your friends!
Join the most daring chase!
Whats New
★ Follow the Subway Surfers to Russia
★ Paint trains in magnificent Moscow with dancing Alex, the Moscow limited character
★ Dress up Lucy in new stunning Outfits
★ Add the cute Teddy board to your limited board collection
★ Find the hidden beautiful Russian dolls and win exciting Weekly Hunt prizes
Whats New in MOD version
Unlimited Money
Unlimited Coins
Unlimited Keys
DODGE the oncoming trains!
Help Jake, Tricky & Fresh escape from the grumpy Inspector and his dog.
★ Grind trains with your cool crew!
★ Colorful and great HD graphics!
★ Hoverboard Surfing!
★ Paint powered jetpack!
★ Lightning fast swipe acrobatics!
★ Challenge and help your friends!
Join the most daring chase!
Whats New
★ Follow the Subway Surfers to Russia
★ Paint trains in magnificent Moscow with dancing Alex, the Moscow limited character
★ Dress up Lucy in new stunning Outfits
★ Add the cute Teddy board to your limited board collection
★ Find the hidden beautiful Russian dolls and win exciting Weekly Hunt prizes
Whats New in MOD version
Unlimited Money
Unlimited Coins
Unlimited Keys
Download Link:-
Swipetimes pro time tracker 2 5 1 apk download
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Swipetimes pro time tracker 2.5.1 apk download
Swipetimes lets you:
* Define projects and tasks.
* Track the time you spend working on them by using a stopwatch.
* Define projects and tasks.
* Track the time you spend working on them by using a stopwatch.
* Tag your tracked activities.
* Add expenses to your tracked activities.
* Easily change tracked activities or add some if you forgot or didn’t want to use the stopwatch.
* Scroll an infinite timeline with one of your 10 fingers. If so, you will be probably scrolling to review or edit your activities. Or maybe just for fun.
* Swipe infinitely through summary screens to admire what you’ve been doing. Or maybe just for fun.
* Export your saved records in Excel, CSV or XML so you can impress your boss, bill your clients or do whatever you want.Use Swipetimes if:
* You like to track time.
* You need to track time.
* You’re a freelancer.
* You’re an IT engineer.
* You’re an attorney.
* You need to manage your time.
* You want a time tracking app on your phone or tablet.
* You provide services you need to bill.
* You need to ask for money from your clients.
* Your boss wants to know what you’re doing.
* Time tracking is your hobby.
* ???
* Add expenses to your tracked activities.
* Easily change tracked activities or add some if you forgot or didn’t want to use the stopwatch.
* Scroll an infinite timeline with one of your 10 fingers. If so, you will be probably scrolling to review or edit your activities. Or maybe just for fun.
* Swipe infinitely through summary screens to admire what you’ve been doing. Or maybe just for fun.
* Export your saved records in Excel, CSV or XML so you can impress your boss, bill your clients or do whatever you want.Use Swipetimes if:
* You like to track time.
* You need to track time.
* You’re a freelancer.
* You’re an IT engineer.
* You’re an attorney.
* You need to manage your time.
* You want a time tracking app on your phone or tablet.
* You provide services you need to bill.
* You need to ask for money from your clients.
* Your boss wants to know what you’re doing.
* Time tracking is your hobby.
* ???
There’s a free and a pro version availabe.
The free one let’s you define only three projects and three tasks per project. Export is working, but only half of the records from the period your’re exporting will find their way out of your Android toaster.
The pro version let’s you do anything. Simply anything. For less than the price of a beer in your favorite bar.
2.5.1 version:
2.5.1 – Added a changelog dialog.
2.5 – Timeline is also available in the daily timesheet. Performance improvements.
2.4.2 – Small bugfixes.
2.4.1 – Fixed a crashing bug.
2.4 – Alternative time input. Improved start center layout.
2.3 – Better performance. Daily statistics.
2.2 – Better performance. Pause & Resume. Notifications.
2.1 – Improved UI.
1.0 – Initial version.
2.5.1 – Added a changelog dialog.
2.5 – Timeline is also available in the daily timesheet. Performance improvements.
2.4.2 – Small bugfixes.
2.4.1 – Fixed a crashing bug.
2.4 – Alternative time input. Improved start center layout.
2.3 – Better performance. Daily statistics.
2.2 – Better performance. Pause & Resume. Notifications.
2.1 – Improved UI.
1.0 – Initial version.
Current Version: 2.5.1
Requires Android: 4.0 and up
Requires Android: 4.0 and up
Download 1mb apk via zippyshare
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